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Seminar on “The Application of Smart PLS Software in Educational Research” conducted by the Center for Evidence-Based Research in Educational Assessment, Jiangsu University (III)
Time:2023-05-01 Click:

On April 28, 2023, the Evidence-Based Research Center for Educational Assessment of Jiangsu University held the third academic seminar of this semester at 418 Old Science and Technology Building, with the theme of “The Application of Smart PLS Software in Educational Research.” The seminar was hosted by Professor Jinyan Huang, lectured by Dr. Shahbaz Hussain, and attended by Mr. Shen Hui and some academic master students of the research center.


Dr. Shahbaz Hussain built on the second seminar with an in-depth presentation on advanced data analysis methods based on Smart PLS software, including Moderation Analysis, Multi-Group Analysis, and Importance-Performance Map Analysis.

The most recent session focused on applying the Smart PLS software in educational research. The presentation provided a comprehensive overview of the functionalities and operations of the Smart PLS program systematically. Starting with a rudimentary overview of the software and progressing towards a diverse array of sophisticated data analysis techniques. The courses exhibited high progressiveness and depth, emphasizing practical application through hands-on practice and illustrative examples. The participants, including both instructors and students, achieved proficiency in the pertinent procedures and successfully implemented them in the context of educational research during these three sessions.

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